Once Upon a Lesson Plan/ Fairy Tales in the Curriculum


3 In-Service Credits /45 Hours Instructor: Caterina Palmieri


Once Upon a Lesson Plan/ Fairy Tales in the Curriculum
3 In-service Credits /45 Hours Instructor: Caterina Palmieri May 1-30, August 1-30, November 1-30

Do you know the true story of the three little pigs? This course will provide teachers with many cross curricular educational resources and lessons using beloved fairy tales. Fairy tales are a rite of passage for children. They encourage creative thinking and imagination. Fairy tales focus around a problem that needs to be solved. They provide great discussion for character value and morals. Teachers will be introduced to many great websites, lesson ideas, and printable activities/organizers. This course is appropriate for all elementary teachers.

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Course Date

May 1-30, August 1-30, November 1-30


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