Tips for Teaching Preteens and Teens


3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Valerie Hanley



Tips for Teaching Preteens and Teens
3 Graduate level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Valerie Hanley April 1-29, July 1-30, October 1-30, November 1-30, December 1-30

PEDC 9052 University of the Pacific

There is a saying that no one grows up with the dream that one day they will teach middle school. Teaching middle school and high school present unique challenges that require a special set of problem-solving skills. This course will present you with ideas on how to effectively teach middle school and high school age students. You will explore how the physical, emotional, and psychological development of students of this age affect how they act, learn, and relate to one another. In addition, you will gather and create resources that you, your students, and their parents can use to help them minimize stress and increase academic and interpersonal success. Upon completing this course, you will have a treasure trove of ideas, activities, tips, and lessons to help you survive teaching one of the most challenging age groups.


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Course Date

April 1-29, July 1-30, October 1-30, November 1-30, Decmeber 1-30


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