The 411 on Response to Intervention


3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor: Melissa Stone PEDC9065


PEDC 9065 The 411 on Response to Intervention
3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor: Melissa Stone April 1-29,  August 1-30, October 1-30
University of the Pacific

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a tiered model for early intervention in response to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Teachers in the general education classroom are now given the responsibility of delivering the early intervention services. Along with teaching the regular curriculum, teachers must also take technically adequate assessments, target weak student groups, choose and implement scientific peer based interventions, re-assess and progress monitor data to drive further instruction, inform their students’ parents as well as the schools RTI team. Through this course, students will research different models of RTI. Students will learn about progress monitoring and bench-marking to see how these tools can help drive instruction as well as create meaningful interventions. After taking this class, students will come away with their own views about monitoring systems, the tiers of RTI, and the overall effects of RTI on our students. As 2012 nears, and NYS mandates every school to have a Response to Intervention program in place this course is appropriate for anyone working in the education system including, but not limited to, classroom teachers n-12, ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, LOTE, ESL, Special Education, Occupational Therapists, the Arts, and Physical Education. Common Core State Standards are addressed.


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