Using Educational Games and Playful Experiences to Enhance Learning


3 In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor: Sandy Catapano


Using Educational Games and Playful Experiences to Enhance Learning
3 Inservice Credits/ 45 Hours Instructor: Sandy Catapano February 1-28, May 1-30, July 1-30, August 1-30, September 1-29, November 1-30

Would you like to raise the energy level in your classroom? Educational games and/or playful experiences not only raise the energy but it can also spark engagement with even your most reluctant students. Research has shown that learning games are an effective way for students to review current and previously taught content. Games are not only fun, but they offer opportunities for students to engage in meaningful practice while allowing them to apply their knowledge. In this course, you will learn about the effectiveness in using educational games and playful experiences to enhance learning. You will also explore a variety of games in different subject areas that you can bring back to your educational environment. This course is intended for K-12 educators.

This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 4-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 4 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.


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Course Dates

February 1-28, May 1-30, July 1-30, August 1-30, September 1-29, November 1-30


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