Motivating Students with Growth Mindset

Original price was: $265.00.Current price is: $199.00.

3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Michelle Rosenoff



Motivating Students with Growth Mindset
3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Michelle Rosenoff Sept. 1-29, Oct. 1-30, Dec. 1-30, Jan 3-30, February 1-28, March 1-30, April 1-29, May 1-30, June 1-30, July 1-30, Aug 1-30

2 LAUSD Salary Points
Adams State University

“While each person has a unique genetic endowment…today’s research indicates that people have more capacity for lifelong learning and brain development than they ever thought possible. Educators across a myriad of levels and content areas are experiencing a major shift in their thinking about student learning and intelligence’ (Dweck). Dr. Dweck has coined the term “growth mindset” which challenges the traditional concept that student academic achievement is primarily based on fixed prior abilities. According to Dr. Dweck, “effort, perseverance, resiliency and purposeful engagement” is the hallmark of growth mindset which can stretch a student’s potential, shift motivation and ultimately affect academic performance. This course is designed to provide educators with information, strategies and resources on the important components of a “growth mindset learning environment” (Dweck 2015) within their classrooms.

This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.

Upon registering for Adams State Graduate Level Credit students will be sent a link to pay 165.00 directly to Adams State to receive this credit.

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Course Date

Sept. 1-29, Oct. 1-30, Dec. 1-30, Jan 3-30, April 1-29, May 1-30, June 1-30, July 1-30, Aug 1-30, March 1-30, February 1-28


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