All about: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) School-wide Engagement Activities


3 Graduate Level In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Randi Miller



All about: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) School-wide Engagement Activities
3  In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Randi Miller January 3-30, February 1-28, March 1-30, April 1-30, May 1-28, July 1-30, August 1-30, October 1-30, November 1-30, December 8- January 8

School-wide and Classroom Practices is an integral component of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. A part of SEL is the process of helping educators build their expertise and skills to lead social and emotional learning initiatives regardless of their role or content area. SEL also involves cultivating adults’ own social and emotional competencies.  When educators embody the same practices that they hope to teach their students, the outcomes for learners and teachers are maximized. Developing school-wide engagement activities for SEL provides opportunities for staff and students to engage in team building and learning activities that focus on a common goal. The development and implementation of school-wide activities creates teachable moments while reinforcing the core SEL components.

Course objectives:

Reflect on prior knowledge, experiences and areas in need of further enrichment.

Understand the benefits of SEL in schools and the five SEL competencies.

Identify skills, strategies and resources for application in your school setting.

Create action plans for classroom and school-wide engagement.

This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages 5-21 in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21),special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists


Additional information

Course Date

January 3-30, February 1-28, March 1-30, May 1-28, July 1-30, August 1-30, October 1-30, December 8-January 8, April 1-30, November 1-30


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