Literacy Stations that Work…Making Centers that Work!


3 In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Sandy Catapano


Literacy Stations that Work…Making Centers that Work!
3 In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Sandy Catapano December 1-30, April, 1-29, June 1-28, July 1-30, August 1-30

A question often brought up in the elementary classrooms during guided reading or small group instruction is, “What does the rest of my class do while I’m working with a small reading group?” Utilizing Debbie Diller’s philosophy, a national consultant and author, teachers will be offered practical suggestions on ways to keep students motivated, engaged and challenged through differentiated activities according to children’s ability. Through this course, participants will learn how to set up effective work stations, managing these stations and keeping them engaging throughout the school year. In addition, teachers will transform traditional centers into literacy focused stations.

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Course Date

December 1-30, April, 1-29, June 1-28, August 1-30, July 1-30


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