Note-taking and Study Skills 101


3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor: Valerie Hanley 1-29 PEDC 9096

Michigan Approved SCECH Credit


PEDC 9096 Note-taking and Study Skills 101
3 Graduate Level, In-service Credits, 45 hours Instructor: Valerie Hanley This course is offered monthly year round.

University of the Pacific

Michigan Approved SCECH Credit


In this age of  the Next Generation and Common Core standards, the emphasis is on getting our students college-ready by increasing the rigor and relevance of what they learn in the classroom. Yet, in order for our students to be college-ready, they must possess the note-taking and study skills necessary to be organized and prepared to learn new material. This course will help you teach your students to be better students. You will find terrific ideas on how to teach the following important concepts: organization, annotation and note-taking, study habits and skills, and speed reading. This course will make your students more successful learners in every way. This course is suitable for teachers PreK-12.

Additional information

Course Date

January 3-30, February 1-28, March 1-30, April 1-29, May 1-30, June 1-30, July 1-30, August 1-30, September 1-30, October 1-30, November 1-30, December 1-30


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