Providing Great Feedback

Original price was: $265.00.Current price is: $199.00.

3 In-service Credits/45 hours Instructor: Richard Faber



Providing Great Feedback
3 In-service Credits/45 hours Instructor: Richard Faber April 1-29, May 1-30, June 1-30, July 1-30, August 1-30, October 1-30, December 1-30, Janaury 3-30, February 1-28, March 1-30

The aim of feedback is reducing the gap between students’ current abilities and learning goals. With an effect size of .79, the practice of giving students feedback enhances successful learning through all phases of instruction. Feedback achieves great results especially when students make errors or demonstrate a lack of understanding, presenting an opportunity for deeper learning and positive growth. Students need to know how they’re performing, but feedback can accomplish this goal in many different ways. Some forms of feedback are more beneficial than others, and the optimal time for offering specific feedback should be directly based on each student’s place in the learning process.

This course is relevant to all who work in schools with children ages in both regular and special education settings. This course has been designed for all school administrators, regular and special education teachers (grades K-12 and ages 5 to 21), special area teachers (gym, art, music, technology) school psychologists, school counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, speech and language therapists or speech pathologists and occupational or physical therapists.




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Course Dates

February 1-28, April 1-29, June 1-30, July 1-30, August 1-30, October 1-30, December 1-30, May 1-30, Janaury 3-30, March 1-30


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