Trauma and Children: It’s Impact on Learning and Social Growth


3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor Lauren Porter


Trauma and Children: Its Impact on Learning and Social Growth
3 Graduate Level or In-service Credits/ 45 hours Instructor: Lauren Porter August 1-30, November 1-30, January 3-30, April 1-29

University of the Pacific PEDC 1958

This course provides an in depth look into the types of trauma our young children are experiencing today. Trauma has a powerful and long lasting impact on our young students. Trauma can influence the way a child learns, the way a child communicates, and the way a child interacts with peers and adults. It impacts the child’s problem solving skills and cognitive abilities and has lasting effects long into adulthood. In this class, types of trauma will be explored as well as how these types of trauma may impact learning and social development. Signs and symptoms of various trauma types will be reviewed. Strategies for effective intervention for teachers, adults, and peers are offered. Resiliency research will be explored. Educators need to be prepared to welcome students of trauma into their classroom with an understanding of how environmental experiences may have impacted them. We must be ready to educate these students with high expectations and effective teacher instruction. This course is designed for all regular and special educators, related service providers, social workers, school psychologists, and guidance counselors. This course will also assist the teacher in addressing diverse student populations, instruction in ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, LOTE, ELL Learners, Special Education, Physical Education and N-12.

Additional information

Course Date

August 1-30, November 1-30, January 3-30, April 1-29


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